Sunday, October 9, 2011


I think it has been the worst weekend i ever have.

I was seriously feeling of tire, yet i have a lot of thing to do.

I think, i have to do this, this, this and that...! Urgh!

I got a long waiting increment letter and end up with tear.
Now i know, i got nth with my hardship.

I dont know what happened and the menstrual pain is very serious..

I tried my best to do my best instead of facing people with the bad temper.
I almost to scold the waiter...


People are around me, even my family came to KL
Yet, i still feel lonely..

Actually, i have been thinking of getting married, if i meet a good guy who i think reliable.
I think, i'd tie up the knot, ...
I dont want to be very independent, yet i dont want to dependent on someone else, but my partner of life.

Life is not easy, i know!

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