Thursday, November 13, 2008



忘掉种过的花 重新的出发 放弃理想吧
别再看 尘封的喜帖 你正在要搬家

筑得起 人应该接受 都有日倒下
其实没有一种安稳快乐 永远也不差
就似这一区 曾经称得上 美满甲天下
但霎眼 全街的单位 快要住满乌鸦
好景不会与日常在 天梯不可只往上爬
爱的人 没有一生一世吗 大概不需要害怕

忘掉爱过的他 当初的喜帖金箔印着那位他
裱起婚纱照那道墙及一切美丽旧年华 明日同步拆下

忘掉有过的家 小餐枱沙发雪柜及两份红茶
温馨的光境不过借出到期拿回吗 等不到下一代 是吗

忘掉砌过的沙 回忆的堡垒
剎那已倒下 面对这 坟起的荒土 你注定学会潇洒
阶砖不会拒绝磨蚀 窗花不可幽禁落霞
有感情 就会一生一世吗 又再惋惜有用吗

忘掉爱过的他 当初的喜帖金箔印着那位他
裱起婚纱照那道墙及一切美丽旧年华 明日同步拆下

忘掉有过的家 小餐枱沙发雪柜及两份红茶

终须会时辰到 别怕 请放下手里那锁匙 好吗


I listened for this song for quite some time ago, and yet...

i used to listen and dont read to its lyrics..

Today, sudd i read to the lyrics... and i think....

囍帖街 is a street in HK which doing couples wedding invitation card and everyone went there when they are going to tie their knot.

Due to civilisation and development, there are a lot of refurbishment on the old buildings. Developers buy the old buildings and redevelop the building into a new place and changed its original facade.. When there is no more empty land for development

Then the place might be another place to hang out for the citizen, as a new landmark of the place..

Actually, it is quite sad to have this happen. I would rather the developer or the state government to redevelop the place and keep its origin so that our citizens, the next generations would have the chance to learn and know the history, the development of the place.

But, developers still a businessman who want and have to earn money.

The world still growing...

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